Essay plans

Always go for quality over quantity in issues and debates essays. It is very much a discussion! Three well written points are usually the way to go for your AO3. 

My picks for the essays and topics that I think are likely to come up are in purple, if you think they are anything to go by. These predictions are guidelines and nothing more based on a cursory, unscientific numerical analysis of questions from the past few years. Revise everything!

My working hypothesis for the 2023 series is that the Issues and Debates section will be populated by a 16 mark question. This is because it will allow for greater differentiation than an 8 mark question, something exam boards are keen to do to bring down the grades. However, in the (in my view) unlikely event you are asked to write an 8 mark question for this section, the suggested AO1 to use is in red.

This document contains 7 essay plans. 


Issues and debates EPs.pdf